Are you missing personal contact information for your consumer or business customer records?
This do it yourself data append tool makes it quick and easy to update your list of database records. Find names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
Process just a few or more than a million records.
Upload TXT, CSV or Excel file to get started

This step usually takes a few seconds.
Searchbug Batch Tool Offers
Technical Support
No Contracts
No Monthly Minimums
No Set Up
or Annual Fees
Your Customer Data
Never Shared or Sold
Discounts for Guaranteed
Monthly Volumes
How does it work?
Simply upload your file, define the columns, select service level and start processing.
You will need to log in or sign up, then pay, and when processing is complete, download your results.
AVG Match Rate for Name and Address
AVG Match Rate for Phone Number
AVG Match Rate for E-mail Address
AVG Match Rate for Premium Append
Help and Instructions for Batch Data Append
How Should I Format the File I Upload?
- Text (*.txt, *.csv) and Excel (*.xlsx) files can be uploaded.
- In a Text file, columns can be separated by tab, comma or pipe (|).
- Your file can contain one or many (up to 20) columns in any order.
- The header row with column titles is optional.
- The following input columns can used for searching additional information:
- Business Name (e.g., ABC Plumbing)
- First Name (e.g., Marc, Marcus, Marc James, M)
- Last Name (e.g., Baker)
- Property Owner (e.g., Baker John J & Mary R Trustees)
- Street Address (e.g., 234 W Elm St, 4200 Kearny Rd Ste 119)
- City (e.g., Los Angeles)
- County (e.g., Orange, Suffolk)
- State (e.g., CA or California)
- ZIP Code (e.g., 90210)
- Phone (e.g., 212-777-1234 or 2127771234 or (212) 777-1234 or 212.777.1234)
- Email (e.g., user@domain.com)
- SSN (e.g., 101-22-3003 or 101223003) - Only for customers with Restricted Access Add-On
- If Property Owner is provided, Searchbug AI algorithm will extract First and Last Name or Business name from the property owner name and use it for finding contact information. There is no need to clean up or split Property Owner names before processing.
- Rows with invalid or missing data will be skipped. Please review and clean up your file before submitting. It will help increase match rates. Example of invalid data: "234 W Elm St, Orange, CA" in one Address field. Street Address ("234 W Elm St"), City and State have to be in separate columns.
- We do not check for duplicates. You are charged for hits for each row of submitted data. Please remove duplicates data before processing, if you do not wish to be charged for them.
What Data Can be Added to My File with Standard Append?
With the Standard Append, you will be able to append name, address, phone or email to the records in your file. Use checkboxes below to indicate what data you need and we will show you what you should provide.
- Once you upload the file and define searchable columns, we will show applicable append options based on your existing data.
- Phone numbers we find, are the most recently reported numbers. It is possible that some of them may be disconnected. To verify if phone numbers on your list are active, use our Reachable Phone Number batch service.
- Both first name (or initial) and last name are required when searching by person's name. There are two exceptions:
- If you have full street address, you can search for phone number by Last Name, Address, City and State.
- If you have a list of Property Onwers, you can leave that column as-is. For example, values like these are acceptable: "Baker John J & Mary R Trustees", "Desri Land Holdings Ltd". Searchbug AI algorithm will extract First and Last Name or Business name from the Property Owner and use it for finding contact information. - We will return all data we find, focusing on the main search purpose. Examples:
- "Find Phone Number" results will add phone numbers and also include name and address. If you supplied Dan Baker at 123 Main St, we may return Phone Number for Dan Baker at 123 Main St Apt 2B and for Danielle Baker and 123 Main St Apt 18C.
- "Find Name" will also include address, and possibly phone number and email address. - Works for US only. Canadian data is not currently available.
- Once you upload the file and define searchable columns, we will show applicable append options based on your existing data.
How Different is the Premium Append?
- Premium Append has higher match rates and the best data quality on the market.
- The results include:
- Names and aliases
- Current and recent addresses (last 3 years)
- All known phone numbers (most records contain phone numbers, including mobile numbers)
- Email Addresses
- Date of Birth and Date of Death, if deceased
- Relatives' Names
- Relatives' Date Of Birth
- Relative Type (Spouse, Parent, Child, Sibling, In-Law)
- You can search by Address only, Name and City/State, Name and Address or by Phone Number. Search by old address or old phone number will bring recent address and recent phone as well.
- Customers with Restricted Access Add-On can also search by SSN.
How Will My Results Be Delivered?
- Processed results will be returned in a comma-separated (CSV) file with all originally uploaded data, plus additional columns with new data.
- If more then one result is found (e.g. multiple phone numbers for one person), we will repeat your input data in separate rows and add found sets of data right after (see example below).
- If results are not found, your input data will be followed by blank cells.
- There is no limit to how many results you will receive for each record. If we find 8 phone numbers for the person, it is considered a "hit" and you are only charged once, not 8 times for each found phone number.
- You will receive an email with a link to download your report, once processing is complete.
- Here is an example:
- If you only need 1 phone number, for example, you can filter in Excel to only show Result_ID = 1.
What Match Rates Should I Expect?
- Match rates depend on three factors:
- If data is available on Searchbug.
- Nature and quality of your input data.
- How you run your search. Let's say, you are looking for a phone number using person's name and address. If address is not current (e.g. person moved), Searchbug may not be able to find phone number, since we try to provide the most recent info. In this case, you may want to run a search by name and city/state, assuming that a person may still be the same city.
- Note: These are average match rates for popular append services. Your rates might be different. Match rates do not guarantee accuracy. Data is aggregated and provided from many sources (see Where Does Your Information Come From) and is not checked for accuracy.
- Data is provided "As-Is". Searchbug does its best to provide relevant information but cannot guarantee information provided is current. Data is updated monthly, quarterly, or annually depending on the source.
- While our standard service pricing reflects some inaccuracies, our Premium Data Append sources are updated more frequently.
- These are average match rates for popular append services. Your rates might be different.
Append Type Average Match Rate Premium Append from Name and State 92% Premium Append from Name, City and State 83% Premium Append from Name and Street Address 81% Premium Append from Street Address 89% Premium Append from Phone Number 87% Find Name from Street Address 85% Find Address from Name, City and State 60% Find Name and Address from Phone Number 49% Find Name and Phone Number from Street Address 77% Find Phone Number from Name and State 80% Find Phone Number from Name and Street Address 47% Find Phone Number from Email Address 20% Find Email Address from Street Address 73% Find Email Address from Phone Number 42% Find Email Address from Name, City and State 43% Find Email Address from Name and Street Address 25% - Match rates depend on three factors:
What Happens After I Upload the File?
- Identify Columns. We will show a preview of the uploaded file, where you will tell us what data you have in each column.
- Review Append Options and Cost. Based on data you already have, we will present possible append options and associated cost. Estimated time to process will also be displayed.
- Payment. This step a bit different for existing and new users:
- Existing users with a regular Pay-As-You-Go account; your saved credit card will be authorized for the shown amount. After your file is complete, we will use that authorization to charge your card, based on number of actual hits.
- Existing users with a Prepaid account; your account balance will be used for the full payment. If number of hits is less than 100%, we will credit your balance accordingly and show proper charge in the reports.
- New Users will be asked to sign up and provide a credit card. It's a quick one-page registration process. Our system will authorize your credit card and charge it when your results are ready. Some new accounts may be put on hold for a verbal verification process. If your account is on hold and the timing of your results are critical, please call our office at (800) 990-2939 during business hours.
- Processing. If payment is successful and your account is in good standing, the processing will start immedeatly. You can close your browser or use other Searchbug tools. You will receive email when file is ready. The new Bulk Dashboard will allow you to monitor the progress and see details on all your recent batches.
- Download Results. We will send you an email with a link to download the results, when ready. The output files can be found in Your Account > Reports and the Bulk Dashboard.
Here is the overview of the next steps: -
Where Does Your Information Come From?
- 15 Million Business records from public directories and private sources.
- 220 Million Consumer records from public directories and private sources.
- Social media profiles.
- Registrations at various websites.
- Premium cell phone and email databases.
- Directory data used in the Standard service always contains the most recent data. The data is validated by numerous proprietary processes with frequent NCOA updates for both Business & Consumer lists.
How Much Does It Cost?
- You are only charged for hits. A hit is when one or more records are found for a single line of data in your list. Example: 3 names found for 1 address = 1 hit.
- The cost range is from 4 to 20 cents per hit, depending on volume for Standard Append.
- Premium Append is 30 to 77 cents per hit, depending on volume.
- Before you commit, you will have a chance to see your maximum cost (assuming 100% hit ratio) based on the file record count and selected append option.
- Use Pricing Calculator above for a specific quote.
- There is a $11.00 Minimum Charge for any results
- Search Tokens ($T) cannot be used as a payment for batch processing
Need Additional Help?
Contact Us by email or Call 800-990-2939 (Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 4:00 pm PST)