Apply for Restricted Access to Skip Tracing Data

Professionals in financial services, collections, insurance, real estate, law enforcement, investigations, and other industries can request access to private regulated data sources not available to general public. Access to this data can significantly increase the success rate of skip tracing, fraud prevention and help you make better decisions in hiring and tenant screening. Restricted data contains non-public personal information regulated by Federal and State privacy acts (FCRA, GLBA, DPPA, etc.) and requires permissible use. Learn more.

We invite any business to apply (publicly traded companies, partnerships, corporations, family owned business). Even a business operating out of a home office can be accepted.

No monthly minimums or long-term commitments.
Order only when you need it.

How To Get Access to Skip Tracing Data

How To Videos

  1. If you already have a Searchbug account, please login
  2. Apply Now
  3. Remit $147.00 application fee
  4. The fee covers processing, verification, and an on-site or virtual office survey

  5. Collect supporting documentation

The following documentation is required:

  • Copy of Yellow Pages or Google business listing
  • Business License and ONE of the following items. If no business license, TWO of the following items:
  • Articles of Incorporation or similar
  • Proof of status under FCRA § 621(b) (1, 2, 3)
  • Corporation verification with State or Federal government
  • Proof of 501(c)(3) status (non-pro t, charity, religious or educational)
  • Federal ID Number document (not application)
  • Sales tax records
  • State Tax ID Certificate (not application)
  • State and/or Federal tax records
Additional Proof. One of each:
  • Advertising Material or Business Card
  • Current Business Phone Bill
  • Business Bank Check (voided) or Business Bank Statement (must be recent)
Print and send us the application package
When ready, send us the application, service agreement & all required documentation to
Once we receive and review your application package, we will begin to verify your business. Validation and site survey are required to ensure FCRA compliance since your access to regulated data may include personal data including social security numbers. The review includes:
  • Validation of submitted information.
  • A visit to your office "Site Survey" to visually validate your business and computer security.
  • A virtual site survey (conducted over Zoom) is also available for most businesses.
  • Background checks on principals may be required (exception: publicly traded companies).
  • Note: If you are using any 3rd party developers who are not employees of your firm, we require you to name Searchbug, Inc. as an "additional insured" on your liability insurance policy and provide us with the certificate.

Upon validation you will be notified about the results by our office so you can begin accessing the restricted data. Total turnaround time for validation, processing and site survey is typically 1 to 2 weeks depending on distance to office for site survey.

Note: If your business is in any of the following industries please contact us prior to submitting your application.
  • Credit, financial repair or counseling business (non-profit organizations are okay).
  • Housing counseling or registered securities broker.
  • Law firms (collections and consumer bankruptcies use is okay)
  • Media, News Agencies or Journalists (employment purpose use is okay).
  • Future Services such as timeshare
  • Check Cashing, Dance Studio, Spiritual, Tattoo, Health Club, Diet Center, Book Club, Adult, Dating, Massage Service Companies.

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Once approved, you will get access to ...