Searchbug offers self-service batch tools to clean customer lists, append missing data, as well as verify phone numbers and email addresses. No need to fill out a "request for quote"
form or wait to speak to an account representative. Simply upload your file, and get it processed automatically and download your results.
No Contracts. No setup fees. No monthly minimums. Pay only when you use it.
With our cumulative pricing, the volume discounts add up as you process more files for the same batch type in a given month.
Append Name, Phone, Address, Email
Use our self-service append tools to process your file to add missing contact info for your
customer or business lists. Find names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
Verify Phone Number
Upload your file to find identify if phone numbers in your list are landlines, cell phone numbers. We also report telephone carrier, location,
if numbers are active or disconnected and if it is on the Do Not Call list.
Verify Email Address
Remove invalid email addresses from your list to prevent email bounces.
Check if email address is Valid, Invalid, Catch-All, SpamTrap, Abuse, Donotmail, Disposable or Toxic.
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