What Information Will be Included in Verification?
- STATUS. Using Real-time verification in carrier billing systems And other advanced proprietary methods the following statuses are reported
- VALID - Email Address will be accepted by the receiving mail server for delivery. Safe to email. Bounce rate is under 2%. Not a CATCH-ALL email (see below).
- INVALID - Mail Server will reject email or Email account does not exist or No mail server for the domain or Domain is not valid or Email format is incorrect. The results almost 100% accurate. See SUB-STATUS column for details.
- CATCH-ALL - Some corporate email servers, will always return a VALID response, whether the email address is actually valid or invalid. They do this to prevent people from harvesting real email addresses from their mail server. In other cases, mail operators collect all emails sent in valid invalid accounts (e.g., [email protected]) to the mail administrator will forward that email to a "catch-all" address, like [email protected] to review at all the emails sent to their mail server to see if anything important was sent to an invalid recipient.
- SPAMTRAP - An email address not used by a person, but actively monitored. If a spam trap receives an email, it will consider it as spam because that email address never opted in to receive emails.
- ABUSE - high risk emails, where recipient clicks the "Spam" link often.
- DONOTMAIL - either a group email (SUB-STATUS = role_based) or a possible trap. Do not use.
- UNKNOWN - Status cannot determined. Domain is valid, receiving mail server exists, but we did not get the response in time. An anti-spam system might be blocking the access. You are not charged for UNKNOWNs.
- SUB-STATUS. Additional information, if available
- alias_address - (valid) These emails addresses act as forwarders/aliases and are not real inboxes, for example if you send an email to [email protected] and then the email is forwarded to [email protected]. It's a valid email address and you can send to them, it's just a little more information about the email address. We can sometimes detect alias email addresses and when we do we let you know.
- antispam_system - (unknown) These emails have anti-spam systems deployed that are preventing us from validating these emails. You can submit these to us through the contact us screen to look into.
- does_not_accept_mail - (invalid) These domains only send mail and don't accept it.
- exception_occurred - (unknown) These emails caused an exception when validating. If this happens repeatedly, please let us know.
- failed_smtp_connection - (unknown) These emails belong to a mail server that won't allow an SMTP connection. Most of the time, these emails will end up being invalid.
- failed_syntax_check - (Invalid) Emails that fail RFC syntax protocols
- forcible_disconnect - (Unknown) These emails belong to a mail server that disconnects immediately upon connecting. Most of the time, these emails will end up being invalid.
- global_suppression - (do_not_mail) These emails are found in many popular global suppression lists (GSL), they consist of known ISP complainers, direct complainers, purchased addresses, domains that don't send mail, and known litigators.
- greylisted - (Unknown) Emails where we are temporarily unable to validate them. A lot of times if you resubmit these emails they will validate on a second pass.
- leading_period_removed - (valid) If a valid gmail.com email address starts with a period '.' we will remove it, so the email address is compatible with all mailing systems.
- mail_server_did_not_respond - (unknown) These emails belong to a mail server that is not responding to mail commands. Most of the time, these emails will end up being invalid.
- mail_server_temporary_error - (unknown) These emails belong to a mail server that is returning a temporary error. Most of the time, these emails will end up being invalid.
- mailbox_quota_exceeded - (invalid) These emails exceeded their space quota and are not accepting emails. These emails are marked invalid.
- mailbox_not_found - (invalid) These emails addresses are valid in syntax, but do not exist. These emails are marked invalid.
- no_dns_entries - (invalid) These emails are valid in syntax, but the domain doesn't have any records in DNS or have incomplete DNS Records. Therefore, mail programs will be unable to or have difficulty sending to them. These emails are marked invalid.
- possible_trap - (do_not_mail) These emails contain keywords that might correlate to possible spam traps like spam@ or @spamtrap.com. Examine these before deciding to send emails to them or not.
- possible_typo - (invalid) These are emails of commonly misspelled popular domains. These emails are marked invalid.
- role_based - (do_not_mail) These emails belong to a position or a group of people, like sales@ info@ and contact@. Role-based emails have a strong correlation to people reporting mails sent to them as spam and abuse.
- role_based_catch_all - (do_not_mail) These emails are role-based and also belong to a catch_all domain.
- timeout_exceeded - (unknown) These emails belong to a mail server that is responding extremely slow. Most of the time, these emails will end up being invalid.
- unroutable_ip_address - (invalid) These emails domains point to an un-routable IP address, these are marked invalid.
- disposable - (do_not_mail) These are temporary emails created for the sole purpose to sign up to websites without giving their real email address. These emails are short lived from 15 minutes to around 6 months. There is only 2 values (True and False). If you have valid emails with this flag set to TRUE, you shouldn't email them.
- toxic - (do_not_mail) These email addresses are known to be abuse, spam, or bot created emails. If you have valid emails with this flag set to TRUE, you shouldn't email them.
- alternate - (valid) These emails are valid, but they are likely to be secondary addresses for the users. Alternate emails are often used to sign up for accounts but otherwise do not see much engagement. As opposed to primary email addresses, which would look more formal, alternate emails will usually contain numbers or more special characters, e.g [email protected]. Identifying alternate email addresses allows for better email list segmentation. Users with formal emails are more likely to engage with your content.
- DISPOSABLE. True (Yes) or False (No). Temporary email address created for the sole purpose to register without giving the real email address.
Disposable emails may only last from a few minutes to a few months.
- TOXIC. True (Yes) or False (No). Domains are known for spam or abuse, and bot created email addresses.
- FIRST and LAST NAME*. The name of the owner of the email, when available.
- GENDER*. The gender of the owner of the email, when available.
- LOCATION*. The location of the owner of the email, when available.
* Do not expect Name, Gender and Location results in many results. Getting account owner details is not primary purpose of this tool. Use People Search to obtain name from email.
Cost of Search
- Cost of the service is $0.02 or 2 $T
- Search Tokens ($T) are needed to pay .
- If you never used Search Tokens before, your first results are free.
Plus, new users are eligible to get 500 $T free with any Search Tokens purchase.
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