Find Phone, Name, E-mail, Address
The best possible people search. Results include full name, current and previous addresses, all known phone numbers, date of birth, relative names and date of birth. Accounts with the Restricted Access Add-On can search by SSN and see SSN and Drivers License info.
Get home, business, or mobile phone numbers for people or businesses from name and location
Find name and address for any person or business in US from phone number, email address, name and city/state, or just name and state. Business records typically include phone numbers as well.
Search by phone number, street address, name and address, name and city/state, name and state, or even just a name
Find owner name, property address, size, type, elevation, assessed value, market value of land and building, acreage details, school and municipal IDs.
Identify Phone Number
Identify Phone Numbers in Bulk
Background and Criminal Check
SearchBug Background Report API allows you obtain complete background report with data from public, civil and criminal records.
The report includes names, a list of current and previous addresses and phone numbers, emails, relatives, corporate filings, UCC filings, trademarks, professional associations and licenses, personal lien, judgment and bankruptcy filings, evictions, criminal and watchlist record details, concealed weapon and hunting permits, pilot licenses and more.
Accounts with Restricted Access Add-on can also see SSN info, driver's licenses, employers, employment history,
business associations, voter registrations and some other restricted information.
Obtaining criminal records is easy with this API. Find out if someone has a criminal record and obtain the case details. Criminal Records typically include jurisdiction, charge, offense, disposition type, sentence, probation and conviction. Accounts with Restricted Access Add-on have the ability to search Criminal Records by SSN.
Cost per Query $2.50
Anti Money Laundering (AML)
The first API call brings matching records with name, address and DOB. Find out if someone is on a Government Anti Money Laundering (AML). Watchlist is comprised of multiple Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury, FBI, and Interpol security data sources.
Cost per Query: $0.05
Match Name and SSN
Professional Skip Tracing
Professional Skip Tracing APIs are restricted and available only to verified businesses with Professional Account
Results typically include: names, aliases, current and previous addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, date of birth, date of death if deceased, relative names and DOB, SSN, SSN issue date and state, Driver license details, bankruptcies, liens and judgements.
Verify E-mail and ZIP Codes
The API contacts MX (mail) server for the email domain in the real time. The MX response indicates if messages sent to the provided address be accepted or not. API also reports spamtrap and abuse email.
Search by ZIP Code and Radius to find city, state, county, population, number of businesses in a given zipcode or the distance between city centers.
Cost per Query: $0.005
Add timezone to your customer list or database using our this Zip Code to Timezone API.
Cost per Query: $0.003
Do not see what you need? We can create a custom API to suite your needs
or solve data
problems you might be facing. Just ask.
How To Videos
To use an API you will need a Searchbug account. Sign up now.
The cost of each API is based on either a Query or a Hit (match) and the cost is deducted from the established Prepaid account balance. Review each API for the associated cost, and, if the charge is per Hit (when information is found) or per Query.
APIs require a Prepaid account. Prepaid accounts are automatically recharged when your account is low on funds to avoid service interruption. You can select any prepaid amount from $10 to $1,000. If you are just testing the system, we suggest starting with a $10 prepaid account. Your credit card will only be charged $10 and you can implement testing. When you finish testing, we suggest you increase your prepaid amount to match your anticipated volume to avoid multiple small charges.
Why it Is important to have the proper prepaid account amount selected: If you keep your prepaid account at $10 and anticipate using more than $10 in service every few days, your card will be charged multiple times in a short period. Multiple small charges to the same vendor in a short period can often trigger your credit card company to decline charges as suspicious activity which will cause your service to be interrupted.
We suggest you select a prepaid amount that will cover a least one week of search volume. Note that Prepaid amounts never expire. Should you decide to stop using the service, you can simply request the account balance of unused funds be credited back to your card.
For qualified customers, we offer an option to test data quality of our APIs with a limited number of live queries and to start integration activities. Once you complete your testing, you will be able to upgrade to a full account by adding a valid payment method. Start using SearchBug APIs by creating Test API Account. After you submit your request, please contact us by phone (800-990-2939) or chat to finalize your test account.
If you need access to SSN and Tracing APIs, create an account and then apply for Restricted Access.