Our Reverse Address Search is comprehensive, thorough, and kept up-to-date.
It provides information about both current and past residents at the specified address,
complete with valid dates. Additionally, you'll have access to other known addresses for each individual
and a record of all known phone numbers. Furthermore, you'll be able to view the person's age and details about their relatives.
If you know the old address, you can use this Reverse Address Lookup to fund current address and other contact information.
How to Search
- Enter full streat address, city and state. ZIP Code is optional.
- The street address should include house number. You cannot search by street name only to find all residents on that street.
Results Typically Include
- Complete name and any known aliases, present address along with a 3-year address history,
along with reported dates. This includes all known phone numbers, specifying whether they are wireless or landline,
age, information about relatives, including their age, and an email address if available
- Not all information is available for all records
Information Sources
- Public records, phone books, vital records, real estate records, magazine subscriptions, voter registration, proprieraty sources.
Cost of Search
- $1.95 or 195 $T
- There is no charge, if information is not found
- Search Tokens ($T) are needed to pay

- If you never used Search Tokens before, your first results are free.
Plus, new users are eligible to get 500 $T free with any Search Tokens purchase.
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