This Privacy Policy outlines the privacy practices of Searchbug Inc., located at Searchbug is based in the United States, and the data available on our website is limited to the United States only.
Part I. Information Collection
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
- When you order our services or create an account, we collect necessary data to complete your purchase and prevent credit card fraud, including your name, address, email address, telephone number, and credit card number.
- Additionally, when you fill out our customer service form on, we collect your name, email address, and other information you may provide to help us answer your questions or facilitate your requests.
- This information is not sold and is shared only with payment processing and fraud prevention providers, which are contractually obligated to use the data solely for fulfilling purchases and securing data.
Non-Personally Identifiable Information (Non-PII)
- During the normal usage of Searchbug, we collect general usage information such as time of visit, IP address, browser type, operating system, pages viewed, queries submitted, the referring URL, and similar technical details.
- We also use web cookies to save data such as the city and state entered into search forms, support authentication, and maintain session tracking. For more information about cookiesWe also use web cookies to save data such as the city and state entered into search forms, support authentication, and maintain session tracking. For more information about cookies click here
- This information is not sold and is shared only with providers of analytics and fraud prevention services, which are contractually obligated to use the data solely for improving our website experience.
Search Input
- Data entered into search forms, provided in API queries or uploaded as files for bulk processing to verify or find additional information on the subject.
- We store your original query for reporting purposes only. Uploaded files are stored for 6 months and then deleted. This data is not resold or used for any other purpose.
Searchbug Data (Search Results)
- Data available on our website for various purposes, including fraud prevention, phone numner verification, customer list enrichement, family safety, spam call detection, and other legitimate purposes. This data, primarily sourced from public records and credit and telecommunications providers. Searchbug does not own, manage, or maintain the data it provides. Searchbug is using third-party data providers to fulfill customer search requests.
- Search Results for the lookups and the people search are stored to provide access to previously run quieries. API results are not strored. Files with data append and verification results are available for 6 months from the processing time.
We also collect search and billing history to make this data available in reports and usage statistics.
Searchbug, Inc. complies with the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA) requirements to post the Do Not Track (DNT) disclosure. Searchbug does not track its customers over time and across third-party websites for targeted advertising and therefore does not respond to DNT signals.
If you are a California resident, you have additional data rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). You can review your rights and how to exercise them here.
Searchbug offers login option with Facebook, Google or LinkedIn account. Only your name and email are shared by those platforms with us. We do not have access to any other information on your social networks.
Part II. Information Usage
Searchbug has a restricted and limited use of collected information. Generally, we use information gathered from you to complete your orders, prevent fraud, provide a better user experience, and improve our services and Searchbug.
- We DO NOT sell or share your data.
- We do NOT use information collected from registration for any research or advertising purposes.
- We do NOT create visitor profiles based on browsing history or searched information.
- We do NOT disclose searches you perform to the subject persons.
- We use your email address only for communicating with you in accordance to the CAN-SPAM ACT.
- We use web logs to generate aggregated usage statistics for audit purposes only.
We also use the information you provide as required and/or permitted by law, including to establish, assert, or defend our rights and/or the rights of third parties. We reserve the right to trace our logs upon request from the police or court in connection with abuse or criminal investigation.
We reserve the right to amend, update, or change our privacy policy. If our policy on information collection or usage changes, you will be notified by a message on the Searchbug homepage upon login. Your continued use of Searchbug is your acknowledgment and approval of any amendments or changes.
Part III. Problem Resolution
If you want to remove your Searchbug account or delete your social network login, please
submit your request here
and select Reason: "Opt-Out Request".
If problems arise or to block the display of their personal listings, users may contact customer service.