
How to find individual’s addresses by social security number

We get this question a lot. These are our best three answers for doing a successful location search by social security number.

Location Search by Social Security Number


    1. A good option is a basic reverse SSN location search.

      This provides the last reported address and address history information. This is the least expensive search. And, the investigator conducts several manual proprietary searches using the subject’s SSN to locate address information and does cross reference searches to discover which of the addresses was most recently reported.

      This is a good low-cost location search option that can find a current address. But, it’s not guaranteed since the investigator does not verify if the last reported address is still current. The address might not be current if your subject moves often or has moved within the last year or so.

    2. A Utility search is often a better option for locating an address.

      You’ll find out where the subject has utilities in his/her name as verified by the SSN. This works best if you think your subject owns his/her own home, or rents a place and has utilities in their own name. This is not a good option if your subject owns multiple properties or is a landlord that provides utilities with the rental. This is also not a good choice if your subject may be living with a spouse or a roommate that has the utilities in their name, or if your subject is renting where utilities are provided.

    3. The best option is to request a Guaranteed Current Address Search.

      This is an in-depth search where the investigator runs down all leads during a 4-week investigation. This is the only search that guarantees the address the investigator finds is still current.

How to find individual’s addresses by social security number (location search)


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Noah Wieder is President and CEO of Intelligent eCommerce, Inc. and the founder of www.bestpeoplesearch.com. Bestpeoplesearch is a private investigtor portal and Information Retrieval Services web site where investigators offer searches to businesses and individuals with specific search needs.

Categories: SSN, Address, Find, BPS