
How Do I Find My Old SearchBug Reports

When you place an order on searchbug.com using a personal, business or verified business account you can retreive old searchbug reports from the same account (for as long as your account remains active and in good standing).

Even if you’re using a prepaid account or hitting one of the many integrated API’s and you need to pull up previously obtained reports you can simply look them up in your account without incurring additional fees. No need to rerun reports you already paid for. This is also handy if for some reason you were not able to see your reports when  they initially completed due to internet errors or a broadband service interruption or even a computer malfunction.  Your reports will always remain in your active account. We reserve the right to purged reports from inactive, suspended and abandon accounts.

SearchBug Login Link

The easiest way to retrieve your previous reports is to first, login to your searchbug account. See login link shown here.

Next, once you have successfully logged in, click on the “My Account” tab found in the right  hand margin of the page.  Once you click the My Account tab you will see an new set of tabs located under the yellow tabs. These are your My Account Functions. Click on the report tab to visit the reporting functions.

How to View Previous SearchBug Reports

Next select the time period you wish to review. If your reports were run in the last 30 days the default date range is pre-selected.  If you need older reports or simply a report from yesterday or today, use the drop down arrow next to the date range to change the date to make finding the information easier.

Once you have selected the appropriate date range, select the usage history to see a list of completed reports in date order.  You can sort by date, search type, or cost.  To view the reports simply click on the link under “Subject / Report”. If the text is not a link, then no report was generated and you were charged accordingly at the No Match, No Hit, or No Info rate.  Some reports such as SSN, IP Address or Email address verifications (some of which are included in certain subscriptions) are not saved and can simply be run again.

Some portions of the images above have been blurred to protect our users and the subject information.  If you need additional help please call our support line during business hours to speak with a customer service specialist.