
How Does Google Work

It seems that everyone I know uses Google to search the internet for things they are looking for. While its said that Google gets 65% – 70% of the share of searches in the U.S., however, for many publishers, Google’s share of incoming search traffic is much higher. That’s certainly the case with major news sites like Reuters, Mashable, Dallas Morning News, and others.

There have been many updates to the Google search algorithm in order for them to accomplish their spoken mission which is to return relevant websites related to the search term entered into the query.   Google has updated their algorithm dozens if not hundreds of times to make what they think are the best results available.

They have introduced updates called Panda, Penguin, and now Hummingbird to name a few. Each with their own updates within the framework of their own design. The latest update on October 4, 2013 was aimed at sites that had links pointed to them from less than authoritative sites.  If you did a search on Google today and compared the results with those from this past summer you would see drastically different listings.  This was by design meant to return pages with more authority and relevancy.  While it’s still not perfect, I think they missed the boat for several reasons of which I’ll go through during another post.

In the mean time, I’ve shared an infographic below from a popular blog that I found very interesting.

Infographic by the Pay Per Click Blog